Carotenoids, Copper, L-Glutalthione, Lutein, Manganese, Selenium Dioxide, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zexanthin, Zinc Sulphate
Used for
Itd used for For eye and ear wash, Skin infection, Vitamin a deficiency, Eye problems, Skin diseases, Scurvy
Side effects
Nausea, Stomach upset, Heartburn, Fever, Chills, Sore throat
How to use
Use under medical supervision
How it works
Its works by inhibiting the herpes simplex virus growth; facilitating retina formation required for low light and color vision; blocking the damage caused by free radicals thus heals wounds; slowing down the processes that damage cells; facilitating the synthesis of proteins and DNA in the cartilage; protecting the eye tissues from sunlight damage; inhibiting free radical damage; preserving and protecting the body parts from the damage of free radicals; contributing to the formation of blood cells and transferrin; protecting cells from damage; increasing the action of antioxidants